All Words > Acrological

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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: French, early 19th century


Relating to or based on initial letters or sounds.

Examples of Acrological in a sentence

"My daughter wrote an acrological poem of the word 'mother' for my wife's birthday."

"The ordering isn't alphabetical, but it is acrological."

About Acrological

If something is alphabetical, then it must be acrological. But not everything acrological is always alphabetical. "Acrological" means concerning the first letter or sound, and "alphabetical" means the first letters are arranged in a specific order dictated by the alphabet.

Did you Know?

An acronym is pronounced as a word — for example, NASA, SCUBA, SWAT. A lot of other abbreviations that people call acronyms are usually initialisms. These are pronounced by saying the first letters of the words they stand for individually. CNN, IRS, DKNY — all acrological initialisms.

illustration Acrological

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