Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Late Middle English, 15th century
Aggressive and argumentative
Having an inclination to initiate conflicts
Demonstrating a willingness to fight
Examples of Bellicose in a sentence
"My bellicose sister insulted my shoes and now she's going to get what's coming to her."
"Ghengis Khan was a bellicose warlord who ravaged the Eurasian Continent centuries ago."
About Bellicose
Attila the Hun certainly didn't shy away from a fight. This leader expanded the Hunnic Empire through bloody incursions, making him a truly terrifying force. This aligns with most bellicose leaders, who are eager to start fights and wage wars. Maybe not the best leadership model, when all is said and done.
Did you Know?
The word "bellicose" stems from the Latin word for war — "bellum".