All Words > Consanguineous

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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, early 17th century


Relating to or denoting people descended from the same ancestor.

Examples of Consanguineous in a sentence

"You two look so similar, you could be consanguineous."

"The patients are not consanguineous; they are husband and wife."

About Consanguineous

Consanguineous originated from the Latin word "consanguineus," or "of the same blood," which is a combination of the words "con" ("together") and "sanguis" ("blood").

Did you Know?

Testing DNA is a relatively recent invention, but now almost anyone can provide a saliva or cheek swab sample to receive their genetic profile from any one of several services. Even beyond discovering consanguineous relations, people are now able to learn more about their health and predispositions to certain conditions.

illustration Consanguineous

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