All Words > Kinesis

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Part of speech: noun

Origin: Greek, early 17th century


Movement; motion.


(Biology) An undirected movement of a cell, organism, or part in response to an external stimulus.

Examples of Kinesis in a sentence

"Sam focused his dissertation research on biological kinesis. "

"Natalie's dance showed graceful kinesis and flow along with the music."

About Kinesis

This word comes from the Greek “kinēsis,” meaning “movement,” originally from “kinein,” meaning “to move.”

Did you Know?

You may be more familiar with "kinesis" as a suffix implying movement than as a stand-alone word. For example, "telekinesis" is the supposed ability of a person to move an object by mental powers. "Photokinesis" is movement as a response to light, and "hyperkinesis" is hyperactivity.

illustration Kinesis

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