Part of speech: noun
Origin: Louisiana French, mid-19th century
Something given as a bonus or extra gift.
Examples of Lagniappe in a sentence
"She loves slipping a lagniappe into the stocking of each grandchild on Christmas Eve."
"As a little lagniappe, the cafe offers a shortbread cookie with each cup of coffee."
About Lagniappe
Lagniappe has American roots — it developed in Louisiana French by way of the Spanish word "la ñapa" (referring to an extra or a gratuity).
Did you Know?
Thinking about gifting some lagniappes to your loved ones this holiday season? There are many fun things that you can stuff into stockings or gift to Secret Santas. Peruse local and online businesses, bake cookies, or write a personal note on a festive card, for just a few ideas.