All Words > Risible

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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, mid-16th century


Such as to provoke laughter.


(Of a person) Having the faculty or power of laughing; inclined to laugh.

Examples of Risible in a sentence

"I was in a grumpy mood, but the risible new cartoon show turned it around."

"He's such a risible guy; he always seems to have a smile on his face. "

About Risible

Risible is a funny word. It’s an adjective used to describe anything related to laughing. It could be something funny that causes laughter; it could be a person who is prone to laughing; it could describe something related to laughter. It’s all fun and games.

Did you Know?

Risible is a funny word. It’s an adjective used to describe anything related to laughing. It could be something funny that causes laughter, or it could be a person who is prone to laughing. The noun form of the word is "risibility," and as an adverb, it's "risibly."

illustration Risible

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