Part of speech: noun
Origin: Old English, 13th century
An expanse of short grass.
(Farming) the upper layer of soil, especially when covered with grass.
Examples of Sward in a sentence
"The family’s plot was a simple sward in the English countryside."
"Taylor wanted to cultivate the sward to eventually plant crops."
About Sward
This word comes from Middle English, originally from the Old English “sweard” and “swearth,” meaning “skin” or “rind.” It is akin to the Middle High German “swart,” meaning “skin” or “hide.”
Did you Know?
“Sward” can easily be mistaken for the more common “sword,” even though one is a grassy plot and the other is a weapon. Not only are they visually similar with only one letter’s difference, but the words also sound similar if you’re not listening carefully. However, the “w” is more evident when pronouncing “sward.”